Why did you choose Motor Home Specialist?
Donny, Unfortunately I was never able to meet you last Friday. I flew down from Stillwater Minnesota to pickup our new Thor WindSport. I have to express to you my impressions of your operation and people. First, as a business owner myself I understand the extreme importance of customer service, it is the backbone of the business operation; its personal and the most important aspect of our endeavors. I would have to say, without hesitation that MHS exceeds in customer service more than I've ever seen in any business, reminds me of our business and our men whom deal with clients day in and day out. Secondly, and most importantly I want to give you some feedback on the folks that helped us with the entire process. My first contact was with Charlie Waters, I am only sad that I couldn't spend more time with him. Our 40 minute drive from the airport to MHS wasn't enough time to spend with this guy. What a pleasure to speak with him. He definitely is your first line of impression for those flying in....what a great man!! From our first phone call inquiry to the final goodbye on Friday afternoon he answered all our questions, found answers and directed us to all the appropriate contacts within your firm. Not to mention buying me lunch on pickup day. He is an honorable and impressive salesman; a true asset to MHS. Sesty worked with us on the financing, she really knows her stuff and made the out of town transaction as easy as if it were here. Her knowledge and work ethic is impressive to say the least. Though our interaction was brief, she genuinely makes MHS unique and thorough. Lastly, Johnny. Probably my favorite part of the experience. He and I spent a good deal of time just talking and enjoying each other's company (he was working too). This young man is impressive and exudes an integrity that leaves a lasting impression. I see him going a long way in his life - he has a story and has come a long way from hell!!! I hope his efforts and skills will be recognized. Donny, you have a class operation, I appreciated every point. Trust me when I say I have only been home for 48 hours but have touted MHS to many friends. God bless and continued success.
How would you rate MHSRV from 1 to 5 stars?
How would you describe the prices at MHSRV?
very reasonable
How would you describe the quality at MHSRV?
very high
How would you describe your sales process?
How would you describe your finance & closing experience?
Who performed your walk-through?
How would you describe your walk-through process?
How would you describe the quality of service you received from us?
very good.
Would you recommend MHSRV to your family & friends?
without a doubt